Sunday, 13 September 2015

Tigers in Uttarakhand

The national animal of India is tiger which has become an endangered species due to relentless hunting in past two centuries. In Uttarakhand, the tiger is found in tarai region to 11,000 ft. which is believed to cross the passes into Tibet.  The tigers were in not in scarce during 19th century and before, but due to increase in the population and simultaneous encounters compelled human beings to kill these beasts.  Today at present time, the tigers are on the verge to extinct.

The hill tigers are very quarrelsome and often attack its own species if found on its domain. The hill tiger does not only confine itself to the hunted ones but also feeds upon the dead animals like buffalo, goat, sheep etc. The pairing time is during the months of December and January when male tigers make peculiar sighing – bellowing noise to attract female tigers. The female gives birth to 2 to 5 cubs and sometimes even up to 6 cubs at a time. The survival rate is very low, and generally one or two survive.

The tigers normally kill big animals like buffalos, bullocks by grabbing the throat from below, and when killing small animals like goat, sheep they usually grip from above and break the neck.

According to the latest census, the tiger population in India is 2226 which is 30% more than last census in 2010. Uttarakhand has become the second state in the country to have the highest tiger population after Karnataka. Presently, the tiger population in Uttrakhand is 340. In the last census, the population of tiger in Uttrakhand was 227. Jim Corbett national park has played a big role in the conservation of the tiger and its position has gone to very good from good in conservation assessment trajectory.   There are many steps being taken by Uttarakhand state government to increase the population of tigers. Hopefully some day we might find the tigers out of the extinction list of animals. 

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